Complete Tactical Line

(Notes taken from a speech Comrade Charu Mazumdar delivered in a meeting – Publisher)

    1. Small guerrilla areas should be built for establishing Red power base and spread struggle to newer areas. In this way, People’s Liberation Army would be established. Start guerrilla warfare in as many points possible. This is imperative. This will bring a change. There will be a new awakening among the entire peasantry. This is possibility is real.

    2. The main tactic of guerrilla warfare is hit and run – which is the experience of Chinese Communist Party (CPC). But we say, “Fight against escapism.” The guerrilla squad and party comrades are staying at plains, this is our own experience.

    3. Enemies are paper tigers. The moment guerrilla squad uses rifle, unit of red army is born.
    4. Spread guerrilla warfare into vast areas. Establish base area in vast area. Bases can also be built in plains.

    5. Consolidation of red political power must go through a number of phases. Revolutionary committee should be built immediately after an action has taken place, by those who did not participate in action. Everything depends on action, and it should be done forthwith. Because these committee would carry on the task of providing political leadership uninterruptedly. When it is not possible for the squad to stay in the area, then formation of this committee, where action has taken place, is a primary task. This committee shall be formed only by the landless poor peasants. At this stage, party unit shall concentrate its work on the formation of a squad and organizing one action. After the first action, a guerrilla will go to a nearby village where a class enemy stays and for the sake of investigation should undertake purposeful campaign. After that, this squad will annihilate the class enemy, and party shall depute one organiser to form a squad.

3 May, 1970
