Develop Revolutionary War To Eliminate War of Aggression Against China


(On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China)

From Liberation, Vol. II, No. 12 (October1969). ‘Richard Nixon, then President of the USA’ A N Kosygin, then Prime Minister of the USSR.

For some time now US imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism, aided by all the reactionaries of the world, including the reactionary ruling clique of India and the Japanese militarists, have stepped up their preparations for launching a war of aggression against China, the land where the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution has taken place. The reactionary Indian ruling clique as well as all the revisionist and reformist political parties of India have associated themselves with this sinister anti-China war plans peddled by the US imperialist warmonger Nixon1 and the Soviet revisionist chieftain Kosygin2 in various countries of Asia.

China, the centre of world revolution, has emerged from the victorious Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution as the immensely powerful bastion against world reaction. The revolutionary people of every country look upon the great China as a powerful base of their own revolution. For them the existence of the powerful socialist China is the guarantee of winning victory in their own revolutions. China is, today, the source of inspiration for the revolutionary struggles throughout the world. That is why US imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism, faced as they both are with inevitable destruction, are frantically hatching plots for attacking China. This is so because, as Chairman Mao has taught us : “all reactionary forces on the verge of extinction invariably conduct a last desperate struggle against the revolutionary forces.”

US imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism are now hopelessly hedged in on all sides by the surging struggles of the people in their own countries and in other countries of the world. That is why they are frantically plotting for launching a war of aggression against China. If they succeed in launching a war of aggression against China, the tremendous resistance put up by the 700 million Chinese people will push the imperialists and social-imperialist aggressors to their graves at a vastly accelerated pace, and give great momentum and stimulation to the revolutionary struggle in every country of the world, thus creating a world-wide prairie-fire which will burn to ashes not only U.S. imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism but also the entire imperialist system of exploitation, and there will eventually emerge a world without exploitation.

World War I brought about destruction on a scale never seen before and ran its course for four years. World War II brought about destruction on a still larger scale and reached a new stage of intensity on June 22, 1941, and ended four years later in 1945. If the imperialists dare to kindle the flames of a world war for the third time with the great socialist China as their target and bring about destruction on an even greater scale, there is no doubt that that war will also end in four years or even sooner.

If the imperialist monsters insist on meeting their doom through such a war, the revolutionary people of the world will not be afraid to face it, for they know that such a war by the imperialists will provide the guarantee that the victorious red flag of liberation will fly still brighter in every country of the world and the victory in revolution will be won in a very short time. The certainty of winning victory will enormously enhance the confidence of the revolutionary people, and the fierce hatred of the people against the imperialists that will burst forth in every country of the globe will destroy both imperialism and the imperialist war. There will emerge a new world system without exploitation, without war, without destruction, where man’s creative potentiality can develop freely, where man will build for himself a new glorious existence.

If the US imperialists and Soviet social-imperialists succeed in launching a war of aggression against China for which they are now frantically preparing, then India, a collaborator of US imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism, will be an aggressor country. This will make the struggle of the Indian revolutionaries much more difficult and they will have to shoulder a great responsibility. However, for the Indian people the principal contradiction and the centre of gravity of our work will continue to be the same as at present. The class alliance will also be the same as at present. But the struggle will be more difficult and the tasks much heavier, and we shall be able to carry them out successfully only by spreading the class struggle, that is, the flames of agrarian revolution to every state, to the vast countryside and throughout India.

We can prevent the war from becoming fatally inevitable if we are able to consolidate all our forces and spread the sparks of this revolutionary armed struggle throughout India, here and now. No aggressor army will ever dare to attack another country with India — this land of 500 million people — as its rear, when the flames of revolutionary armed struggle begin to rage furiously all over the land. This tremendous prairie fire of revolutionary armed struggle in India will, on the one hand, shake the entire world imperialist system to its foundation while, on the other, it will serve to increase greatly the confidence of the struggling forces in every country making them irrepressible. Further, the crisis and panic inflicted on imperialism will provide new strength and inspiration to the exploited millions in the imperialist countries to deal most telling blows against imperialism. The impact of the tremendous force that will emerge from the unity of the revolutionary peoples of the whole world will make even the backward masses confident of victory. The dream that two young revolutionaries dreamt a hundred years ago and the great call they gave in Communist Manifesto — “Workers of the world, Unite!” — will finally take shape in reality. People of the whole world, inspired with a new internationalism, will unite with the great China, and led by Chairman Mao, will translate into reality the dream that man has dreamt for thousands of years, and a world without exploitation will be built.

We, the revolutionaries of India, must grasp the great call given by Chairman Mao, “seize the day, seize the hour”, in order to be able to take a great part in carrying out the most sacred task of the people of the world. We know that the people of India have never lagged behind in making sacrifices in their struggle against exploitation and for the liberation of the country. Hundreds of thousands of people have fought and thousands have laid down their lives but were unable to win victory. India is not a land of cowards. The people of my country are never afraid to lay down their lives for a great cause. India’s peasantry, which gave birth to countless martyrs, will spread the message of the greatest and the most sacred task facing the people of the world to the villages of India, will inexorably march onward to the stage of history and prove themselves the makers of history. It is they who, led by the working class, will destroy the class enemies, smash the existing oppressor state machine and bury the imperialist warmongers in this soil of India.

Members and sympathizers of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), you have voluntarily taken upon yourselves the task of liberating India, inspiring the working class, carrying the agrarian revolution in the countryside through to victory, spreading the flames of armed struggle throughout India, building a revolutionary people’s army by organizing peasants’ guerrilla warfare, consolidating rural liberated areas in order to win victory in the revolution, transforming India into a free, independent, people’s democratic state and building an India without exploitation by ushering in socialism. You have indomitable courage to win victory and conquer death because you are carrying forward the cause for which countless martyrs laid down their lives.

Today, your struggle has merged with the dream that man has dreamt and endeavoured to realize for thousands of years. Today, your struggle is not merely the national struggle of India, you are a contingent in the front ranks of mankind in its march onward. Such a merging of the national task with the international task has not perhaps been seen in the history of the world before. The revolutionary struggle of the world led by Chairman Mao has arrived at a point of great confluence. We are participants and comrades-in-arms in that great struggle. So, we cannot afford to lose even a single moment. Exert yourselves to your utmost and move forward. Victory certainly belongs to us. A liberated India in a liberated world is looming large on the horizon. Comrades, let us march onward to usher in that great day.
September 19, 1969.
