Avenge The Heroic Martyrs

Comrade Charu Mazumdar’s call on behalf of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)

The police murdered eleven revolutionary youths and left their dead bodies on the roadside near Barasat [in 24 Parganas district, West Bengal]. For the last several months the police have been engaged in killing revolutionary youths in this manner. The police of our country, trained by foreigners, have always been used as an instrument for murdering and suppressing tile people. Despite the end of the direct rule of the British, it is at the Scotland Yard that the police bosses still receive their training, that is, learn the tactics of how to preserve the colonial rule. It is not now only that they committed these murders : not even a year has passed when this police force did not shoot to death our unarmed countrymen. In 1959, when peasant came to Calcutta from villages to wait upon ministers, this police force beat to death eighty unarmed peasants in one single day. Even on playgrounds we see them in the role of assassins : they beat to death even spectators on a cricket-field. It is thus that they are trained to kill men. So, the police force of our country is a tool in the hands of the imperialists for maintaining the colonial rule. These are not Indians : these are not of India.

The incident at Barasat clearly shows how isolated from the people are these assassins and how panic-stricken and scared out of their wits are they. They had not the courage to face these youths even after getting their hands tied. That is why the assassins fired five or six shots at every one of these youths and killed them one by one. This gang of cowards knows that those whom they are murdering today are immortal sons of India – worthy of begin respected by every country, every nation. That is why the cowards murdered these youths, who knew no fear of death, in the darkness of the night and left their dead bodies on the roadside.

None of those political parties which are today carrying on a dog-fight among themselves for ministerial offices, shedding crocodile tears for the martyrs, and trying to utilize these murders in the fight for votes, can escape responsibility for the murders. The hands of each of them are dyed in the blood of the martyrs. They all are providing political arguments in justification of the murder of the revolutionaries and are secretly supplying the police with information about the whereabouts of the revolutionaries.
Today the most sacred task of every Indian is to rouse the in tensest hatred for all these cowards, imperialism’s running-dogs and assassins. This is today the demand of our countrymen – the demand of patriotism.

Every revolutionary cadre should take the resolve to avenge the heroic martyrs. These butchers are enemies of the Indian people, enemies of progress and lackeys of foreigners. The Indian people will not be liberated until these butchers are liquidated.
