Note taken from a speech given in some meeting held after Magurjan

Like Naxalbari, Magurjan also constitutes a big change in the history of armed struggle in India.

    4. There shall be one commander in each area and after the area expands, regional commanders have to appointed. There shall be one political commissar in each squad. The political commissars shall stay with the guerilla squads. Party will form guerilla units.

    5. The members of the guerilla units shall rouse the poor and landless peasants into the politics of seizure of power through political campaign in the countryside and shall get revolutionary committees formed by them, arouse them to participate in the struggle for protecting power and shall also try to get all the work in the countryside done through these committees. These revolutionary committees are the future government. The main responsibility of the guerillas is to protect them from the offensive of the reactionaries. The guerilla units shall keep contact with the revolutionary committees, but shall not interfere in their work except where a serious mistake is committed.

    6. The task of the political party is to judge the overall politics. The task of the party inside the guerilla units is to judge politics and side by side, conduct military activities. We have to be flexible in the whole work.

    7. Political differences have to be placed before the general comrades. While conducting inner struggle we should highlight those wrong lines which have already taken political shape.
    As regards Naxalbari, we have to tell something more. Because, where were the Satya Narain Singhs when Naxalbari happened? Necessary criticism has to be carried out. There is necessity of document for internal criticism.

Seizing political power in the countryside means establishing the power of the poor and landless peasants by fighting against the rich peasants. Taking the middle peasants on our side means freeing them from the influence of rich peasants. This task can only be fulfilled by the poor and landless peasants by fighting against the rich peasants. There is no other way out.
We kill only those who come in the way of political power of the peasantry–no matter, which class they belongs to. In other words, these killings are for the sake of seizing power. The entire class can not be killed. One should not confuse annihilation with struggle. In order to draw the middle peasants to our side, we have to do that by conducting struggle against somebody or the other. If we abandon struggle against the rich peasants, from whose fold would we draw them?

The essence of class struggle is seizure of state power. The essence of class struggle is not killing, though annihilation is a higher form of class struggle.

The contradiction appears to be insignificant at the time of first interaction, but while conducting practice, the contradiction turns out to be of high magnitude.

Social dignity means, dignifying those who are engaged in social production and taking the society forward. Not to stand on the head as is done now.

    2. In order to serve the people wholeheartedly, one has to defeat revisionism by conducting uncompromising struggle against oneself. Otherwise people can never be served. During the struggle, the question which arises before the petty bourgeois comrades is that, what will happen to him in this struggle? They never look at this question from the angle that, “A beautiful society will be born out the sacrifice of my life”. That is, his individualistic consciousness deprives him of his consciousness for social advancement.

    3. Either world war will accelerate revolution, or revolution will prevent world war. To give a befitting reply to imperialist war and to protect the revolutionaries from the hands of the reactionaries, we have to build up innumerable centres of armed struggle and to do this we will have to develop guerilla struggle, through which the people will learn how to conduct illegal work and protect the revolutionaries. Offense is the best way of defense.

    4. We must never forget our successes and will always make the people conscious about a brighter future, so that they can muster courage to wage struggle against the counter offensive of the reaction by keeping in view the brighter future.

    5. The communists of entire India have only one problem. If the communists at one end of India can solve the problem in their specific area, it would solve the problem of the revolutionaries of the whole country. The solution of the problem then transcends the boundary of that area to solve the problem of the problem of the revolutionaries of entire India. Because, the revolutionaries have only one task or problem at a given time. Naxalbari–armed struggle or peaceful path, encircling the cities by the villages, Mao Tse Tung thought is the only path for advancing the struggle–though all these problems originated in Nxalbari, they transcended the boundaries of the area to solve the problems faced by the entire Indian revolution. But it could not solve the problem that guerilla struggle is the only method of rousing the people and advancing their struggle. This problem was solved by Srikakulam.

Annihilation of class enemy is the starting point of guerilla warfare and at the same time, it is the starting point of people’s war too.
