Recolonisation of Iraq : Lessons and Challenges

Recolonisation of Iraq - Challenges and Lessons CoverAcknowledgements

We are grateful to all the following writers, publications and websites, from which we have liberally used factual and visual materials:

1. Behind the Invasion of Iraq, RUPE, Mumbai /// 2. The Times of India, 2-10-2002

3. Frontline, April 11 and April 25, 2003 /// 4. Geov Parrish, War Glossary: Doublespeak Edition

5. John Pilger, A Crime Against Humanity /// 6. Robert Fisk’s reports

7. Green Left Weekly /// 8. Arundhati Roy, The Ordinary Person’s Guide to Empire, Frontline, April 12-25,2003

9. Outlook, April 7 2003 /// 10. Michel Chossudovsky

11. Noam Chomsky /// 12. Rediff Special: Josy Joseph in New Delhi, April 21, 2003

13. Znet, Counterpunch,;; /// 14. John Boer, Profiting from War

15. Sagari Chhabra for the poem Iraq War, published in Mainstream, April 12, 2003
