Publisher’s Note

The present booklet, the first of a series aimed at popularising the Marxist viewpoint in the Indian context, gives an introductory idea about communism. We do not intend to give here a perfect blueprint of communist society, nor an account of the day-to-day activities of communists. But, as our first international “Manifesto” (1848) authored by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels had declared, “… in the movement of the present, they also represent and take care of the future of that movement.” So people have a right to know what we communists think of that future. Hence this booklet.

In our attempt to make it readable to all, we have made it as brief and simple as possible. The resultant shortcomings are regretted and criticisms welcome. We have tried to rely mostly on Marxist classics, so that the reader forms her/his opinion from the original vision itself, and not simply from fragments of information about what happened or is happening in socialist countries.

And the quotes would often reveal, for example, in the answer to Question 6, the striking contemporaneity of the tines written about 150 years ago. Since this is only a general introduction, we have also tried, as far as possible, to bypass the internal debates of communists in the national and international arenas.

For the serious reader the booklet will perhaps generate more questions than it answers. That is precisely what we aim at : stimulating further reading for a better grasp of the basics of Marxism. For without that it is not possible either to comprehend contemporary changes like the great Soviet shipwreck followed by Left resurgence; or to undertake a systematic, critical and illuminating — not whimsical and self confusing — study of the myriad schools of Marxism, post-Marxism and other trends of progressive thought; or to understand the complex and volatile Indian panorama.

The present booklet is to be followed by : Marxism for Beginners, Indian Society and Indian Revolution, Elections and the Communist Party, Major Issues of the Day and Positions of Different Left Parties, How to Annihilate the Caste System.
