Avenge the Massacre in Prison


From Liberation, April-June 1971.

I send my greetings to the revolutionary comrades of Dum Dum Jail. They have displayed extraordinary heroism and spirit of self-sacrifice by fighting against the policy of brutal repression. The reactionary Indian government do not feel secure even after imprisoning the revolutionary youths. They are deliberately carrying on campaigns of murder in one prison after another — Midnapur, Berhampur and then Dum Dum. At Dum Dum they have murdered seventeen comrades and injured more than ninety other comrades. Like all other reactionaries, the reactionary Indian government think that they can stop the flood-tide of struggle by acts of murder. Chairman Mao has taught us : “Wherever there is oppression there is resistance.” This massacre will rouse revolutionary hatred in the minds of more and more youths and will create a new high tide of struggle. Revolutionary comrades will avenge this massacre and cause panic within the camp of the enemy. This is the law of history and there will be no deviations from it here, too.

May 20, 1971
