Red Salute To The Comrades Behind Prison Bars


From Liberation, January-March 1971.

The revolutionaries who are today in the prisons of West Bengal have created a new history of struggle that none ever came across in the annals of prison life. These comrades realize and feel from the core of their hearts that revolutionaries remain revolutionaries even while in prison : they are quick to rise up and fight every humiliation. They have made jail-breaking a commonplace affair. Two hundred year-old imperialist rule built up the prison as the strongest base within the administrative system : today that two hundred year-old structure is crumbling down. This is proof of the fact that imperialism built up its structure on very shaky foundations. Today the prison is a centre of revolt : today the comrades in prison are repeatedly making a mockery of it by escaping from it. Though the reactionary government murders prisoners and pursues a policy of savage repression, it fails to and will ever fail to stop jail-breaking and to put down the revolt within prisons. That is why I offer red salute to the comrades in prison.

February 23, 1971
