The 22nd memorial day of Com Jayant Ganguly was observed on 25 September 2017 in Hesalong Panchayat. Former MLA and CPI(ML) CC member Com Vinod Singh was present on the occasion along with a large number of people. Tributes were paid to the memory of Com Jayant and a memorial meeting was held in his honour.
Com Jayant Ganguly joined the Naxalbari Movement and the Liberation Front led by Com. Banbihari Chakraborty in 1970-72 during his student life. He was sent to Giddi-C Colliery under the charge of Com. Laxman Singh. Com Jayant worked to strengthen the organization in the Daniya forests where the adivasi villages were in the stranglehold of moneylenders and feudal powers. He worked under the pseudonym of Amar Singh and gradually the adivasis began recapturing their lands and sowing crops. He was jailed in 1970 and released in 1972 due to the efforts of LF leader Ramji Singh. After being released he concentrated on organizational work on both banks of the Damodar River. Com Jayant knew how to mold oneself according to the circumstances and derived his energy from ground level work. Com Jayant along with the entire Liberation Front joined the CPI(ML) in 1984. He became a member of the Central Committee and was given the responsibility of MP and Maharashtra and later in UP.
Com Jayant passed away on 25 July 1995 and his Memorial Day is observed every year.