The AIPWA organized a protest March in Patna on 26 August 2017 against the abject surrender of the Haryana government in the face of the violence which broke out following the verdict in Panchkula against rapist Ram Rahim. The march started from Buddha Park and culminated in a meeting at the Radio Station Chowk. Slogans raised during the march demanded the resignation of Haryana CM Manoharlal Khattar, ending of protection to rioters, ending of violence in the name of religion, arrest of Sakshi Maharaj, and condemning PM Modi and CM Khattar for their role in encouraging rapist Ram Rahim.
Speakers at the meeting AIPWA General Secretary Com. Meena Tiwari and others said that it is a matter of shame that PM Modi and several other top BJP leaders have bowed down before a person who has been a rape accused since 2003. Modi gave an example of his low thinking when he made this rape-accused an honoured ambassador of the Swachch Bharat Mission. Now that Ram Rahim has been convicted by the court, Sakshi Maharaj is defending him and blaming the court; he is thumbing his nose at the Constitution and says that if Ram Rahim is sentenced the country should be prepared for even greater violence. The ever-tweeting Modi is silent and has no tweets for the courage of the two sadhvis who had the courage to fight the case against this powerful rapist. Clearly the BJP is a protector of rapists and must be held accountable for surrendering to the violence which led to the loss of more than 30 lives and crores of property.
A protest march was taken out in Bhojpur on 26 August before the start of the 6th AIPWA State Conference.
A protest rally was also called in Bhubaneswar against rape convict, Gurmeet Ram Rahim, and BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj who defended rape convicts and accused like Gurmeet Ram Rahim and Asaram, claiming that since they have a large following, rape complaints against them should be dismissed. The protestors demanded the resignation of Haryana Chief Minister Manoharlal Khattar, whose actions prior to and post judgement clearly exposed the government’s support to the convict. The protest rally was led by Yudhistir Mahapatra, Devaki and Jayanti Bal, Mahendra Parida, Radhakant Sethi and Tirupati Gamango.