The CPI (ML) and AIPWA started a 2-day hunger strike in Gardanibagh for the following demands: A minimum of 20 acres out of the 185 acres of building land between Road No 1 and 40 in Gardanibagh (Patna) to be reserved for permanent settlement of the poor; put a stop to displacing and evicting the poor without first making alternative arrangements; reinstate the stopped distribution of ration-kerosene; compensation for destroyed huts of the poor. Murtaza Ali, Rekha Devi, Babita Devi, and Radha Devi sat on the hunger strike in the presence of Com Amar, Shashi Yadav and KD Yadav.
CPI (ML) State leaders spoke on the occasion of the hunger strike. The speakers said that many poor families have been long settled on parts of the 182 acres which are being taken for building construction in Gardanibagh. This hunger strike is being done to demand at least 20 acres for permanent settlement of those poor families. PB member Com Amar said that the government wants to evict the poor without proper alternative arrangements which is against Court directives. The meeting was conducted by State Committee members Ranvijay Kumar and Naveen Kumar. Com Rambali Prasad, Samta Rai, Anita Sinha, Akash Kashyap, Tempo Union leader Naveen Mishra, Ram Kalyan and others were present on the occasion.