The CPI(ML) organized a people’s Convention on 8 August 2017 at the Bharatiya Nritya Kala Mandir against the betrayal of the people’s mandate, the politics of hate and violence and the murder of democracy. Party General Secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya was the main speaker at the Convention which started with songs by Hirawal on the theme of Nitish Kumar’s treachery, after which State Secretary, Com. Kunal explained the context of the Convention with reference to the incidents which took place after the new government came to power and which are pushing Bihar the Gujarat way. Com Abhyuday read out the political resolution. AIARLA General Secretary Com Rajaram Singh expressed solidarity with the Narmada Bachao Andolan and said that the farmers of the country face distress today because of the anti-farmer and anti-poor policies of the government. Representatives of the CPI (Com. Rambabu Kumar), CPI-M (Com. Arun Kumar Mishra), SUCI (C) (Com. Arun Kumar), CPI (ML) (Com. Arvind Sinha) and Forward Bloc (Com. Virender Thakur) also addressed the Convention and said that the real treacherous face of Nitish Kumar now stands exposed.
Economist DM Diwakar said that the Modi government’s anti-farmer policies, imposition of GST, failure to implement land reforms and bhudan land distribution, and incitement of communal hatred have put the country’s economy and democracy in grave danger. Dr PNP Pal, MN Karna, Sudama Prasad, Javed Ahmed, Mahant Manjhi, Meena Tiwari, KD Yadav and Dhirendra Jha also spoke at the Convention.
Addressing the Convention Com Dipankar Bhattacharya said that we must bring our agenda into focus and give a resounding reply to the attacks on minorities, dalits and the poor. He pointed out that while pro-Nitish intellectuals are terming Nitish’s treachery a ‘master stroke’ for ending corruption and bringing in development and disabling the communal policies of the BJP, pro-BJP intellectuals are calling the coup ‘Operation Bihar’. The BJP has made it clear that it wants to gain power in all parts of the country by hook or crook and crush all voices of dissent and opposition. They are putting plans in place to capture power in the entire country through any means. He stressed that through this Convention that we must unite in the fight against this evil plan and fight against the attacks on the poor, minorities, dalits, workers, farmers, and students. He pointed out that Ambedkar had warned that making India into a Hindu Rashtra would be the greatest tragedy to the country because that would mean Manuwaad and Brahmanwaad which are the greatest enemies of justice, equality, freedom and harmony. He appealed to all Left parties to fight together as this is not a question of saving Bihar alone but saving the whole of India.