On 27 May 2017, CPI(ML) organized a protest demanding the arrest of BJP leader Surendra Yadav, who is accused of attacking CPI(ML) leader Bhubaneshwar Paswan. Yadav, who is the mukhiya of the Hiradih panchayat, is a known feudal element in the region. Bhubaneshwar Paswan, a resident of Rebhanadih village in the Jayanagar block of Koderma, had recently left the BJP to join CPI(ML). He is a security guard in-charge in a factory in Hiradih, which has been shut down for the past two months. In the meanwhile, as part of his duties as security guard in-charge, Paswan caught a person stealing expensive material from the factory premises. He subsequently informed Surendra Yadav of this episode, since Yadav is a mukhiya of the village. Instead of taking action on the basis of this complaint, Surendra Yadav targeted Paswan. He accused Paswan of sexual harassment and molestation of women, and egged the villagers to beat him up. A FIR with these bogus charges was also filed against Paswan in the Jaynagar police station.
The CPI(ML) then ran a campaign in the area, exposing the real agenda of Surendra Yadav. This campaign highlighted his efforts to shield criminals such as Prakash Ram, his implicit encouragement to crime and criminals as well as the targeting of innocent people opposing him through false accusations, FIRs, public beatings and the like. On 27 May, a protest march was organized by CPI(ML), which from Peshiyabagh and culminated in a protest gathering at the Jaynagar police station. Comrade Munna Yadav anchored the meeting, which was addressed by Shyamdev Yadav, Ibrahim Ansari, Vijay Paswan, Rajkumar Paswan, Birendra Yadav, Bhola Yadav, Chotu Yadav, Siraj Khan, Ashok Yadav and others. The protesters demanded arrest of Surendra Yadav and withdrawal of the false complaints filed against Bhubaneshwar Paswan.