Three historical directives and on Kharibari’s peasant action :

A. Three historical directives

1. Guerrilla struggle is the only form by which we can develop, there is no other way round.

2. Comrades released from jail and against whom no charges have been framed must remain underground, because ours’ is a secret party and we are in the midst of a civil war.

3. There will be contradiction between comrades released from jail and those who were organising struggle in a given area so long. In this contradiction we should always support the new, because they are the rising force.

(during a discussion at Naxalbari – 1968)

B. On Kharibari Peasant action

It is a matter of fact that the class hatred of the peasants manifested through this action. But at this point of time we cannot call it a guerrilla action. The real method of guerrilla action is to attack suddenly on one’s own initiative and then to escape. But these principles were not followed during this action. (In 1968, the peasants of Kharibari annihilated a jotedar in broad daylight, on a paddy filed and gave the slogan, “Long Live Chairman Mao”.
