Fighting against the ruler oppressive class is not the sole criterion of a communist. Who is a real communist? Who can sacrifice for people’s cause but never expects anything in exchange. There are only two roads – Sacrifice or Self interest. There is no way in between. The real significance of Chairman Mao’s slogan “Serve the people” lies here. One must grasp this sense of sacrifice in order to become a real communist. The very meaning of serving the people is to work as unpaid labour for peoples interests, for the interest of revolution. Through this unpaid labour, one can integrate with the people. Only by this method one can love people, serve people, and through this process a revolutionary gets transformed. So revolution means, not mere achieving material gains. Revolution means transformation – transformation in the realm of would realisation, ideals, outlook. So it be a mistake to weigh the gains of revolution from the viewpoint of material gains. Revolutions means complete transformation of consciousness. What is that consciousness? Consciousness to serve the people, to instill the consciousness of selfless sacrifice, consciousness to love people. Revolution means this transformation – be it of a society, or of an individual. Since 1927, Chairman Mao has raised the slogan “Serve the people” before the Chinese people. The great people of China has grasped the essence of Chairman Mao’s slogan over the years. So the great people of China has successfully completed the great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. They have also gained love from the people of the whole world, and established leadership in World Revolution.