1st May, 1972

(This is an excerpt from Comrade Charu Mazumdar’s speech)

The significance of today’s May Day is assertion of third power in the world. Apart from socialist power – imperialist power, the birth of third power has taken place with the intensification of struggle in different countries and national liberation movement. It is the task of the working class to whole with that force.

The main phenomenon of this world wide anti-imperialist people’s struggle in different countries is formation of anti-imperialist united front. This world wide third power has asserting itself cornering imperialism & social imperialism.

Under the leadership of working class, national liberation front have been formed in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. US imperialism is repeatedly being defeated by this front. They have gone berseck, even using 7th fleet. The struggle in Vietnam has entered into an unprecedented level. Anti war demonstrations are also taking place within united states. Third forces have organised themselves against imperialism and social-imperialism in Asia, Africa and Latin America. People of Africa is protesting against social-imperialism. The liberation movement of Palestine has united the whole Arab world. They have come out openly against the Soviet Social Imperialism for splitting the movement from within and not supporting it from outside.

The task of the working class is to unite with this anti-communist force & form united front.
Call of May Day to India working class is : Armed peasant movement has started in India. Support, mobilize and lead this struggle.

22 April, 1972
