A Note on About the movement for seizing crops

Party’s Work in Rural Areas


From Liberation, July 1971—January 1972.

The movement for seizing crops is a mass movement. This is the first time that we are leading a mass movement since we started our armed struggle. The aim of this movement is to make even the backward peasants participants in our struggle. Without conducting this mass movement we can in no way realize our objective — the objective of making every peasant a fighter. Otherwise, this all-embracing character of People’s War can in no way be attained.

This movement will be directed against the class enemy, i.e., the jotedar class. It will also be conducted against such rich peasants as may be actively co-operating with the police. All other classes are our allies in this struggle.

The Party will conduct this struggle through Revolutionary Committees. It is in this way that the Revolutionary Committees will be established as the new State power. The guerrilla squads will always help Revolutionary Committees.

If the Party is to discharge this responsibility the Party cadres will have to be much more conscious politically. Efforts must always be made to raise the political consciousness of Party cadres. The Party cadres and the guerrillas must study the Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention.[1] They must try to observe them to the very letter.

November 18, 1971

Note :

1. These rules were drafted by Mao Tsetung for the guidance of the People’s Liberation Army fighters in matters concerning particularly their relations with the people.
