To The Staunch Fighters of Andhra Pradesh


(Following is Comrade Charu Majumdar’s letter of July 18, 1971 to the Comrades of Andhra).

From Liberation, Jwly 1971-January 1972.

After a heavy setback and loss of our brilliant cadres you are now recovering from the shock. Actions have taken place smashing the fond hope of the Congress regime to finish off the great Srikakulam struggle of Andhra Pradesh. On behalf of the Central Committee, I congratulate you, the resolute fighters of Andhra Pradesh, for your superhuman effort, strong faith in the ultimate victory of our democratic revolution and great love for the down-trodden people, the landless and poor peasants of Andhra. On behalf of the Central Committee, I urge upon you to rely wholly and completely upon the landless and poor peasants who alone can take the leadership of the agrarian revolution in our country and have got great traditions of innumerable bloody struggles. Form small squads of landless and poor peasants, fix an area of operation for each of the squads and rely firmly on their initiative to develop the struggle. In this way alone guns and rifles can be snatched by the squads, and firmly holding the rifles we can build and develop people’s political power. Every such squad should be considered as a contingent of our People’s Liberation Army and area-wise commanders should be elected from among these landless and poor peasants. Our petty-bourgeois cadres should work as political commissars of these units while the leadership should remain with the landless and poor peasant cadres. Our method is: our squad members must train each other, commanders should teach the other members of the squads and should also be taught by them. By this method a technique adopted in an area should be the common property of all the squads in the state. Mass economic work, such as land distribution and the seizing of the harvest, should be propagated and activised by Revolutionary Committees at various levels and we must pay attention to the production of food grains etc. Only in this way mass struggle of the peasantry can be linked up with armed struggle and the political authority of the Party can be established.

I have got great respect for you and your revolutionary potentiality, and the Indian situation as a whole is becoming more excellent every day. So I am sure that you will overcome your weaknesses, and your struggle will develop like an avalanche in the state.

With revolutionary greetings.
