Two Letters regarding Party works in City

(On attacking anti-naxal squad and United Front)


Dear Comrade,

In Calcutta attacks are organised against the businessman. We should keep in mind, all businessman are not our enemy. After creating liberated zones, these businessman shall keep contact with us for their own interest. Chairman has mentioned that united front was built by uniting workers, peasants, middle section and businessmen. In his book “victory of people’s wars, these classes have been mentioned for united front. Apart from these forces, the struggling nationality, political group and organization can also be its ally. It means, the majority of business community will come to our side. They comprise a big section within the national bourgeoisie. There may be some comprador bourgeoisie, and in many ways they may cause harm to us. In these cases, a few annihilation may be necessary. So, our comrades of Calcutta must be aware of it.

I think, attack upon the anti-naxal squad, should start immediately. If we closely watch, our comrades could identify those plain cloth policemen. Two or three workers squad should attack a squad of plain cloth policemen and snatch their pistol. If it is successfully organized in one place, then their morale will break. If we are able to snatch few pistols from policemen, they would be panic striken and will hesitate to repress in custody.

Villages are on the threshold of widespread struggle. Students and youth in the cities will be greatly inspired. Wide postering should be done on Magurjan event.

The imperialist world is carrying on war preparation ferociously. They are only afraid of armed people. So our task of guerrilla warfare is to arm people.

Please convey my congratulations to the comrades of Calcutta. Bangladesh & Calcutta has become the beacon light of India. There may be some mistakes, but were not afraid of it. chairman’s thought has taught us that mistakes are inevitable and we have learn from it. Never try to undermine people’s enthusiasm. Only people’s enthusiasm can overcome all mistakes and make revolution a success.

I am well now. With revolutionary greetings.

Charu Mazumdar

13 November, 1970


Dear Comrade,

I wrote a letter earlier. But due to mistake have destroyed it. However, I like to mention a few words. Firstly, all businessmen are not our enemy. In his writing Long Live the victory of People’s War, chairman wrote to unite workers, peasants, middle section & business class. Only a small section of this business community belong to the comprador class which will go against us and become the target of people’s anger. We should propagate this among our comrades.

Secondly, let the students-youth do as they wish. But our party’s attention and activities should be concentrated among working class. Try to increase party units among the working class, because, the day is not far to come, when the working class only will be able to protect us. It is wrong to think that the middle class will not get terrorized. If we are able to penetrate deeply among the working class, the middle class section will be able to withstand the terror.

Engage the working class cadres. Give them task to closely observe the plain cloth policemen entrusted for anti-naxal squad. They will be able to identify those squads if they keep a close watch. Then our 2/3 squad can attack all of a sudden and snatch their revolvers. If we are able to organise such action, the morale of police will touch rick-bottom. Send heavily identified comrades to the villages. Develop newer worker cadres as organisers.

With revolutionary greetings,

Charu Mazumdar
