The National Institute of Public Finance and Policy and Policy had recommended that the privatisation of all PSU’s be completed within ten years. Following which a seven-month deadline has been fixed for the privatisation of Salem Steel Plant, Alloy Steel Plant, Durgapur Steel Plant and Bhadravathi Steel plants. The blatantly pro-corporate decision is a brutal attack not only on the lives and livelihoods of the workers but also on the country’s resources which once again have been opened up for corporate loot. In the series of protests launched against this decision, a dharna was called by the major trade unions including AICCTU. The protestors argued that the decision will adversely impact the industrial development of Tamil Nadu. Addressing the Dharna, AICCTU Vice President A. Chandramohan termed this decision as a conspiracy to benefit corporates like the Jindals who despite being defaulter for huge bank loans has been attempting to take over the Salem Steel Plants. The farmers who had given their land for the plant too asserted that they will not allow this plant to be taken over by private players. Com. Chandramohan said that AICCTU will continue to mobilise people in villages against this decision.