21. A powerful student-youth movement necessarily calls for powerful mass-based revolutionary organisations among students and youths. In this regard, both AISA and RYA have achieved a degree of stable and organised expansion in recent years, but if we are to do real justice to the potential of the present situation we need a much bigger breakthrough. The student-youth awakening and assertion we are currently witnessing in the country is a much larger, truly national, phenomenon. Our own experience also highlights the huge potential and there is need to spread the organisational network of AISA and RYA to smaller towns and semi-urban panchayat areas.
22. To conclude, let us recall the clarion call of Comrade Vinod Mishra that is particularly relevant for today’s youth movement: “Key questions of social and political importance are never settled within the four walls of State Assemblies or Parliament. All such major questions are always clinched through the movement on the street, beyond the boundaries of parliament, and at times even bombarding the unresponsive institutions. This is the way every major movement has advanced in history. The power of the student-youth movement must make every corrupt minister and official (and, we may add, those who are guilty of feudal-communal atrocities and violence against women) shiver in terror.”