THE party has maintained close fraternal relations with the Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist-Leninist) from the mid-70s onward. These relations have been based upon the spirit of mutual respect and learning from each other while strictly maintaining the policy of mutual noninterference and our commitment to opposing all expressions of Indian hegemony.

At the invitation of the Chinese Communist Party two delegations of our party had visited China in 1979 and 1980. We have also been maintaining comradely relations with the Communist Party and democratic organisations of the Philippines and Peru. There are now greater prospects for expanding our relations with friends abroad and we do look forward to developing a warm friendship and solidarity with communist parties and revolutionary democratic movements across the world.

However, we have always upheld and shall continue to uphold the cardinal principle of self-reliance. We have consistently and consciously refused and shall continue to refuse all kinds of financial support from any foreign force or from various foreign-funded domestic voluntary organisations. We refuse to be dictated by any party and have always worked out our plans, policies and actions exclusively on the basis of our own study of the Indian conditions.
