The CPI (ML) and AIARLA organized a Jansunvai (People’s Parlliament) at Oliyar Ghat in Mirzapur on 17 December 2017. The BJP government and administration are flouting all laws to unleash brutal repression in the rural areas of Mirzapur which have an adivasi majority. The Forest Rights Act was passed in 2006 after a long struggle. It is the responsibility of the government and the administration to implement this Act, but it has not been implemented even to the slightest degree.
The Van Samitis (Forest Committees) have not been democratically constituted, because of which the adivasis are deprived of the right to forest land claim. The CPI (ML) has been continuously raising the issue of democratic formation of Van Samitis and implementation of the Forest Rights Act with the District and State administration, but to no avail. The Allahabad High Court has directed that Van Samitis should be formed and said that the Gram Sabhas, Van Samitis and administration should ensure proper disposal of forest rights claims. In a recent verdict of 24 November the High Court has stayed the displacement of people living in forest areas. The Supreme Court has issued a clear directive that nobody can be displaced without first making proper rehabilitation arrangements. Despite this, the Forest Department is unleashing repression to evict adivasis in Haliya, Lalganj and Madihan.
The above issues were raised at the Jansunvai on 17 December. Many people spoke at the Jansunvai including former Principal of Kulbhaskar College Shri Vallabh, former General Secretary of PUCL OD Singh, High Court advocate Rahul Shrivastav, CPI (ML) State Secretary Sudhakar Yadav, Kisan Mahasabha State General Secretary Ishwari Kushwaha, CC member Mohammad Salim, Radheshyam Maurya, Shashikant Kushwaha, Jeera Bharti, Suresh Kol, Nandlal Biyar and others.
People from the villages who are victims of this injustice recounted their suffering. The people of Sidhvaniya said that 105 houses there had been razed by bulldozers. Everything including food grains, clothes and household items was totally destroyed. Women and children were beaten up and homes were looted. They have been left with nothing except the clothing on their backs. A similar situation is experienced by 62 families displaced from Badauhi and 53 families displaced from Gorgi. They are all faced with starvation and death. The Jansunvai Jury ruled that this is unconstitutional and a gross violation of human rights. They pronounced the government and the administration guilty and asked a PIL to be filed in the High Court for the implementation of the Forest Rights Act and full rehabilitation and compensation for the victim families.
Activists recounted how in the Lalganj area in Mirzapur, a dozen activists of the CPI(ML) were sent to jail recently following false cases slapped upon them by the Forest Department. When their release was ordered by the court of law, they were framed afresh and new false cases were registered on Saturday at Halia Police Station in the district so that they can again be sent to jail. These activists include women organisation AIPWA district president Com. Shyamkali, party district committee members comrades Suresh Kol, Mangal, Ramasre, Bansu besides 7 others all hailing from dalit and tribal origin.
Recently in Pilibhit, party state standing committee member and state vice president of All India Kisan Mahasabha, Com. Afroz Alam had been slapped with Goonda Act and ordered to leave the district by the administration. Besides Com. Alam, half dozen party workers including comrades Manzoor Ali, Ravindra Mahajan, Radhey Shyam have also been booked under Goonda Act.
CPI(ML) Srate Secretary Comrade Sudhakar Yadav said that the Yogi Government is implicating Left activists and activists like the Bhim Army President Chandrashekhar Azad on false charges under draconian laws.