WikiLeaks: Unmasking Imperialism

For an empire that cloaks its aggressions and coercions in the benign garb of 'liberation' and 'democracy', those who lay bare the truth are dangerous. WikiLeaks, with its devastating exposure

The Sham of Democracy

Truth is potent, truth is dangerous. Truth is what most governments fear and over times they have shrouded it from the masses in the cloak of secrecy. Under the garb

The forgotten hero?

With Julian Assange at the centre of a fierce media debate, a young man - who celebrated his 22nd birthday in a high security prison this December - seems to

Challenges for the Revolutionary Left

The 2010 Bihar election results have understandably triggered considerable discussions in the media and in political circles. While psephologists are busy trying to explain the sweeping nature of the poll

Corruption of the Liberalised Era

Stung by the tapes implicating his own lobbyist Niira Radia in the country’s worst ever corruption scandal, Ratan Tata has chosen to act the injured martyr. In an interview with

Report : Rally at Singur

A 1000-strong rally was organized on 2nd December, 2010 at Singur at the call of the West Bengal State Committee of CPI(ML). The participants assembled at the Kamarkundu station from

Report : IIMS Meeting in Kozhikode

On 7 December, Indian Institute of Marxist Studies (IIMS) held a meeting at the Press Club Hall, Kozhikode, on the topic ‘Women’s Movement in Contemporary India.’ The main speaker at