THE NDA government has managed to win the Ayodhya motion in the Lok Sabha. Given the parliamentary arithmetic, an NDA victory was of course a kind of foregone conclusion. In
WHAT exactly happened at the obscure Chhota Aangaria village of Garbeta block in Medinipur district of West Bengal on 4 January 2001? How many people were killed and how? What
As Assam, West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry get ready for the May 10 elections, the stocks of the BJP-led NDA government at the Centre have begun to plummet
THE BJP might have hoped to overcome the adverse impact of the assembly election results with some clever arguments. But the Manipur developments have precipitated a crisis within the party
Though its implication for Pakistan’s democracy is very bad, Pakistan’s Chief Executive and military ruler Pervez Musharraf’s anointing himself hurriedly as the country’s president before his summit with Vajpayee shows
LIKE A typical short story with a stunning end and lingering impact, the Agra story was not really over with General Musharraf’s midnight flight back home from Agra. There was
It is not merely a question of non-performance as the media would have us believe. The crisis of the Vajpayee regime runs deeper. They are unable to manage the Parliament.
What lessons should India draw from the stunning events of September 11? The answer seems to be quite simple and straightforward for the dominant sections of the Indian ruling classes.
THE FOREIGN policy of any regime, it is said, is essentially a continuation of its domestic policy. Nothing bears this out more strikingly than the recent manoeuvres by the saffron
DEFYING COUNTRYWIDE protests, the Vajpayee government is desperate to push POTO through. While people like Advani have started accusing all who oppose or criticise POTO of being supporters of terrorism,