With Advani back at the helm of the BJP, the long expected reorganisation of the party has finally begun. Advani has started its third presidential term by paying a highly
The last few weeks have seen events unfold quite rapidly on several interconnected planes, often leaving a maze of confusion in their wake. But the events are also helping reiterate
Like the last few years, 2004 too would be remembered worldwide as a year of growing popular resistance to American imperialism. If Iraq remained the hottest theatre of protracted armed
HIS existence posed a constant challenge to the BJP’s brutal rule in Jharkhand. Now his martyrdom has hit the last nail into the coffin of communal-fascist forces in the state.
FORMAL democracy has once again been suspended in Nepal. On February 1, King Gyanendra dismissed the hugely discredited and unpopular Deuba government and clamped down a state of 'constitutional' emergency!
Wonder of wonders! Narendra Modi has been denied a visa by the United States. After all the awe and admiration expressed time and again by the mass murderer from Gujarat
The euphoria generated by the launch of the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus service and the three-day visit by President Musharraf of Pakistan is indeed quite overwhelming. The exercises have evoked considerable popular
The first anniversary of the UPA was eventually marked by a series of explosions, actual as well as political. After years of relative peace, on 22 May evening the capital
The crisis that had erupted in the BJP and the entire Sangh parivar in the wake of Advani’s Pakistan visit and his subsequent resignation as the BJP chief has been
Few could have expected the BJP and the Sangh Parivar to be ensnared in such an acute and protracted internal crisis so soon after being ousted from power. For the