Reflections on Republic Day

Republic Day 2016 is no occasion for celebration but one for somber reflection. The suicide of Dalit scholar and scientist Rohith Vemula is a grim reminder of the fact that

Mere Paas Mantri Hai

(I Have The Minister On My Side) Just like at HCU, the ABVP has been blatantly using its connections with the RSS-BJP and the Modi government in campuses across the country.

Workers on War Path in Uttarakhand

Workers’ organized agitations are once again emerging in SIDCUL, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand). This industrial area is an important production centre of well-known auto manufacturing companies like Tata, Mahindra, Bajaj, etc. Recognition

Public Transport in Delhi

The Odd Even Scheme has met with general public support in Delhi and has definitely resulted in less traffic congestion in Delhi, if not yet in significantly lower pollution. Yet,

Science in Saffron

We live in times when an elected Prime Minister addresses an audience of trained doctors, and tells them ostensibly in all seriousness, that the existence of the Hindu god Ganesha

Remembering Ellen Meiksins Wood

(Tribute to renowned Marxist historian and scholar Ellen Meiksins Wood by Vivek Chibber, reproduced with thanks from Jacobin magazine, 15 January 2016). Ellen Meiksins Wood passed away yesterday (14 January

The People’s Scientist

(Tribute to the noted scientist, mathematician and philosopher of science Richard Levins, by Pankaj Mehta, reproduced with thanks from Jacobin magazine, 22 January 2016). Richard Levins, the great radical and

Against the Sell-out in WTO

Against the Sell-out Indian Higher Education in WTO As the Modi Government geared up to sell the future of students of India by ‘offering’ Indian Higher education in WTO up as

Free the PRICOL Eight !

Fight the Double Life Imprisonment for Trade Union Activists ! Eight workers: sentenced to two lifetimes in jail – for the ‘crime’ of fighting for workers’ rights. Eight leading activists of the Kovai