Sangh Returns to Ayodhya Agenda ?

Twenty-three years after the vandals of the Sangh Parivar had demolished the Babri Masjid in brazen defiance of India's history of composite culture and every tenet of the rule of

Stoking Islamophobia

In the wake of the Paris attack by the ISIS, we are seeing the efforts of right-wing and far-right political forces worldwide to try to garner support that has hitherto

A Government-Made Disaster

“The rhetoric of governance in India has nowadays become pretty elaborate and sophisticated. Every government waxes eloquent about ‘good governance’ rooted in principles of accountability, sensitivity, empowerment, administrative efficiency, disaster

Lal Salaam Comrade Vidrohi!

Vidrohi died as he had lived – surrounded by students out on a protest march. He came to Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi as a student – but was thrown

Benedict Anderson

Benedict Anderson Benedict Anderson (1936–2015) was the Aaron L. Binenkorb Professor Emeritus of International Studies, Government and Asian Studies at Cornell University, New York. He passed away in Indonesia on December

Terrorism and Imperialism

Challenges in the Wake of Recent Attacks In Ankara, 128 people were killed in an election rally on 10 October. A Russian passenger aircraft bringing home mostly Russian holidaymakers from Egypt

7th Central Pay Commission Report

Towards More Neo-liberal Adjustments Further Away From Parity and Democratic Functioning There was speculation that the report of the 7th Central Pay Commission was withheld from publication till the Bihar elections were