Workers’ Road Blockade in Puducherry

The state units of AICCTU, AITUC, INTUC, CITU in Puducherry took out a massive joint rally on 25th January. This was in continuation of nationwide protests on the workers' 12-point

Free Manmohan!

CPI(ML) Nalanda District unit, Insaf Manch, RYA and Bihar State Vidyalaya Rasoiya Sangh held a dharna in front of the Nalanda Collectorate on 6 January 2018 to demand the unconditional

All India Strike By Scheme Workers

On 17 January 2018, sixty lakh scheme workers went on an all India strike, that central trade unions had called from the Workers’ Mahapadav in Delhi in November. Nearly 90%

AICCTU Conference in Sitarganj

The first conference of AICCTU Sitarganj unit in Uttarakhand was held on 21 January 2018 at Ambedkar Foundation. The conference started with a juloos in which several participants walked through

AICCTU-AIPWF protest in Mangalore

Successful protest by AICCTU - AIPWF (All India Port Workers Federation) organized a protest on 17 January 2018. The protest was held defying police and Port authorities, who refused permission