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Budget Reaffirms Neo-liberalism : Bonanza for the Classes, Rhetoric for the Masses

The Central Budget placed on 6th July has reaffirmed the policy direction of the UPA Government. Behind all the misleading rhetoric of aam aadmi, is an enduring commitment to pro-corporate... (read full text)

G-8 Summit and Climate Change

The recently concluded G-8 summit, which was held in Italy, once more saw an intense debate on climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. On the positive... (read full text)

Delhi HC Verdict on Section 377

The landmark Delhi High Court verdict calling for revision of Section 377 IPC is not only a significant victory for the struggles of sexual minorities for their rights, it also... (read full text)

End Corporate Control over Natural Resources

The Ambani brothers are currently fighting each other at the Supreme Court over the interpretation and implementation of a private MoU the two brothers had reportedly signed in 2005 when... (read full text)

Getting Away with Murder

The public lynching of Prof. Sabharwal by ABVP leaders during Students’ Union elections in an Ujjain college, caught on camera by TV channels, shocked the entire country. Three years later... (read full text)

CC’s Call for July 28, 2009

Let us Learn our Lessons from the Electoral Setback, Rectify our Mistakes and Prepare the Whole Party for a New Breakthrough in the Field of Mass Struggles! July 28 is... (read full text)

Workers Pay with their Lives for Shining Delhi

In the race to have ‘Shining’ Delhi in time for the Commonwealth Games 2010, Congress-led Governments in Delhi and at the Centre are riding rough-shod over workers’ rights and safety... (read full text)

Legitimising Land Grab

In the wake of powerful struggles against SEZs, corporate land grab and displacements, the demand for scrapping of the colonial Land Acquisition Act (LAA), 1894 and for a national policy... (read full text)

Bitter Pill of Privatisation: Sugar Coating of ‘Reform’

A hundred days is all. Listen to the call of the pundits and the clamour of corporations: the economy was liberalised more than eighteen years ago, now it is time... (read full text)

Fate of a Schoolgirl in Nitish’s ‘Good Governance’

The rampant abduction of schoolchildren and inaction of police and administration against criminals and mafia caused a wave of popular anger against the former RJD Government. Riding that wave, Nitish... (read full text)

Implement Bandyopadhyay Commission’s Recommendations for Land Reforms in Bihar

One of the key promises made by Nitish Kumar after becoming the Chief Minister of Bihar was to carry out land reforms. Indeed, the deepest source of Bihar’s backwardness lies... (read full text)

Land Reforms Commission’s Recommendations on Ceiling

V.4.1 The distinction between agricultural and non-agricultural land should be abolished. Land should be defined in a simple dictionary manner so that no one has the opportunity or option to... (read full text)

Punjab Struggle Update

The agricultural labourers of Punjab’s Malwa region continue their struggle against the severe repression unleashed on their movement for homestead land. As we go to press, 10 CPI(ML) activists still... (read full text)

Initiatives against Repression in Lalgarh

Lalgarh has reportedly been ‘won’ by the troops in the operation jointly sponsored by the CPI(M)-led State Government and the Centre, where both Manmohan and Mamata are partners. Adivasis at... (read full text)

Updates : Dharna in UP against Price-rise and Drought

CPI(ML) organised a state-wide dharna and demonstration in Uttar Pradesh on 15 July against unfettered price-rise; increasing incidences of crime against dalits and women in the State; demanding that UP... (read full text)

Update : Agitation against the Death of a Contract Labourer

On 22 June at Sudamadih shaft mines of Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. (BCCL) in Jharia near Dhanbad a contract worker Uttam Kumar Dubey died by accidental electrocution while performing welding... (read full text)

Mao Zedong Thought and Ethnic Clashes in Xinjiang

Xinjiang, home to approximately 8 million Turkic-speaking Uyghur Muslims, is a large but sparsely populated area approximately the size of Iran. After a period of independence as “Second East Turkistan... (read full text)

Honduras Resists Coup

In the early morning of June 28 the Honduran army staged a coup against its democratically-elected president, Manual Zelaya, by barging into his bedroom, plucking him out of bed and... (read full text)

In Nitish Kumar’s Bihar, Legendary Icon of Bhojpur Struggle Is Branded an “Extremist”

The Bihar police has decided to target and brand as ‘extremist’, octogenarian CPI(ML) MLA and legendary icon of Bhojpur’s struggling poor, Comrade Ram Naresh Ram and former MP and president... (read full text)

Kashmir’s People Challenge State Terror

The Kashmiri people are once again confronted with the spectre of state violence looming over every backyard and street. The last two months have witnessed the rape and murder of... (read full text)
