Naxalbari – Past and Present

(Excerpts from a piece by Vinod Mishra, Deshabrati, September 1990) Naxalbari means the beginning of a revolutionary political stream in national politics based on this peasant awakening. Naxalbari did not mean

Resolution on Naxalbari

In lieu of Editorial (Adopted by the CPI(ML) Central Committee on the Occasion of 50th Anniversary of the Naxalbari Uprising on 25 May 2017) On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of

Finance Bill 2017

Daylight Assault on Democracy, Legalized Corruption and Company Raj (The manner in which the Finance Bill 2017 was passed in the Lok Sabha was a complete violation of parliamentary democracy. Several

Letters to Namdeo Dhasal

(Kavita Krishnan reviews the second volume of poems by Chandramohan S, a Kerala-based Indian English Dalit poet.) Chandramohan’s poetry has the contemporary sharpness of a news bulletin, the headline of the