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Campaign in Gaya against police complicity in murder

CPI(ML) has been running a campaign against police repression in Gaya district, after the dead body of 35-year Laldev Yadav was found in a jeep parked within the premises of... (read full text)

Protest in Gopalganj against feudal-communal forces

CPI(ML) held a one-day protest in Gopalganj on 18 January 2015, against attacks on women by the Hindu Yuva Vahini and other feudal- communal forces. On 19 December last year... (read full text)

OBITUARY : Red Salute to Comrade Man Singh Pal

Comrade Man Singh Pal, CPI(ML) Uttarakhand’s state committee member and popular leader of the Bindukhatta movement, passed away on 9 March 2015 in Delhi. Born in 1960, Comrade Man Singh... (read full text)

TRIBUTE : Vinod Mehta

Vinod Mehta, journalist and founder editor-in-chief of the Out- look magazine, passed away on 8 March 2015 at the age of 73. He will be remembered for having published investigative... (read full text)

TRIBUTE : Saroj Dutta

(On 13 March 2015, the birth centenary of revolutionary poet and martyred CPI(ML) leader Saroj Dutt concluded. In tribute, we carry a translation of one of his best known poems.)... (read full text)


(Revolutionary Naxalite poet of Punjab, Avtar Singh Sandhu ‘Pash’, was killed on 23 March 1988 by Khalistani terrorists. In tribute to his memory, here are some excerpts from his poems.)... (read full text)

Land Rights, Labour Rights Campaign

“Let us declare that the state of war does exist and shall exist so long as the Indian toiling masses and the natural resources are being exploited by a handful... (read full text)

March 2015

... (read full text)

Delhi Gives Modi His First Big Jolt

Just nine months after the BJP’s sweeping Lok Sabha victory under Modi’s stewardship, Delhi has handed out the BJP a crushing defeat in the elections to the Delhi Assembly. In... (read full text)

The Exit of Jitan Ram Manjhi and the Agenda of Assertion of the Oppressed People in Bihar Politics

After nine months of professed ‘renunciation’ of office, Nitish Kumar has secured his ‘re-anointment’ as the Chief Minister of Bihar. The much awaited showdown between Nitish Kumar and Jitan Ram... (read full text)

Covert Attack on the Constitution

On the occasion of Republic Day, the Information and Broadcasting Ministry of the Modi Government issued an advertisement, with an image of the Preamble of the Constitution minus two key... (read full text)

Challenge Islamophobic and Racist Violence in the US and India

The murder of three young Muslims in the US, followed by the brutal violence by US police on an aged Indian man, Sureshbhai Patel, have once again shone the spotlight... (read full text)

It Isn’t ‘Terrorism’ If the Perpetrator is White ?

Rania Khalek asked ‘Why can’t media describe Chapel Hill murders as terrorism? Submitted by Rania Khalek’ (Electronic Intifada, 17 February, 2015). Here are excerpts from her story. Deah Barakat, Yusor... (read full text)

CPI(M)’s 21st Congress Draft: Evasive Account of Recurring Lapses and Alarming Decline

The CPI(M) CC has released the draft review report on the party’s political-tactical line (PTL) for the forthcoming 21st Congress of the party. The report takes a critical look at... (read full text)

Beyond the Namobama’Hype

As Prime Minister, he devoted his first Independence Day speech to inviting foreign capital to come and ‘make in India’. Now Narendra Damodardas Modi has used the first Republic Day... (read full text)

Modi’s Secret Promises on Nuke Liability Selling Out Indian Interests to US Corporations

News channels gave ‘wall-to-wall coverage’ of the Obama visit. “The nation” was told about Obama’s dietary preferences and Michelle’s frocks and Obama-Modi “gup.” Yet, in spite of the hype and... (read full text)

How Modi Government is Placating Big Pharma

(Paranjoy Guha Thakuta, noted journalist, educator and commentator exposes how Modi is appeasing pharmaceutical corporations at the cost of India’s poor patients’ access to medicines. A shorter version of the... (read full text)

Reforming FCI or Cutting Back Food Security?

(It is well known that the USA is putting pressure on India to give up its food security programme by undermining public procurement and the public distribution system, to make... (read full text)

Updates Report : All India Conference of Contract Workers in Bangaluru

All India Conference of Contract Workers, organized by AICCTU, was held in Bangalore on 1-2 February 2015. On the first day of the conference, around 4000 workers marched from Freedom... (read full text)

Muzaffarnagar Baaqi Hai

Nakul Singh Sawhney’s new documentary, Muzaffarnagar Baaqi Hai, lays bare the crucial relationship between the communal pogrom in Muzaffarnagar and Shamli districts of Western Uttar Pradesh, and the historic victory... (read full text)
