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Elections in Turkey

Mandate Against Authoritarian, Majoritarian Regime In the recently held elections in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan lost majority in the Turkish parliament for the first time in 13 years since... (read full text)

A defeat that generated feelings of victory

(Farooq Tariq is General Secretary, Awami Workers Party, Pakistan. This is an excerpt from a longer article by him.) It was one of best votes for any Left candidate in... (read full text)

On Cover Pages : Two Articles

2nd Cover : Dangerous Jingoism in the Wake of the Myanmar Operation The jingoistic rhetoric and posturing by the Modi Government as well as sections of the media in the... (read full text)

June 2015

... (read full text)

One Year of Modi Rule: Talking Development, Delivering Distress

It is now one full year since Narendra Modi became India’s Prime Minister. The megalomania and messianic rhetoric that became hallmarks of the 2014 Modi campaign have reached new shocking... (read full text)

Disturbing Questions in the Wake of Devastating Quake

Eighty years after the devastating Bihar-Nepal earthquake of 1934, Nepal and adjoining areas of India and Bangladesh have once again been jolted by a terrible earthquake. The earthquake and its... (read full text)

Lessons From The Nepal Earthquake

It is humanly impossible not to be moved by the magnitude and quality of the humanitarian disaster that has visited Nepal and the adjoining regions of India and Bangladesh as... (read full text)

Bring the Badals Within the Orbit of the Law !

A 13-year-old Dalit girl was molested and flung to her death from a bus in Punjab, along with her mother who survived with grievous injuries. The molestation, which took place... (read full text)

Is the Right to Protest Reserved for Kejriwal Alone, Not for Aam Workers?

Delhi witnesses a series of protests by DTC workers on a variety of issues in the year 2015. The most recent one was a spontaneous flash strike following the brutal... (read full text)

Legitimizing Child Labour

“The worst thief is he who steals the playtime of children.” – Bill Haywood, Leader of the Industrial Workers of the World Union in the US In India, it is... (read full text)

AICCTU’s 9th National Conference

All India Central Council of Trade Unions (AICCTU) held its 9th National Conference at Bihar’s capital, Patna (Com. Yogeshwar Gope Nagar) on 4-6 May 2015. The conference began on 4th... (read full text)

Build a Vibrant and Dynamic Working Class Movement !

(Address by Comrade S Kumarasamy, AICCTU President, to the 9th National Conference of AICCTU) Comrades, Eduardo Galeano, the author of Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of Pillage of... (read full text)

AISA’s 8th National Conference

AISA’s 8th national conference was held in New Delhi on 10-11 May, near the north campus of the Delhi University. The inaugural session of the 2-day national conference was addressed... (read full text)

Inaugural Conference of Midday Meal Workers’ Association

The Bihar State Midday Meal Workers’ Association held its inaugural conference in Patna on 17 May 2015. The conference was inaugurated by AIPWA General Secretary Meena Tiwari. In her address... (read full text)

CPI(ML) Leader Brutally Attacked in Bihar

Com. Upadhyay Yadav, a young CPI(ML) leader and a member of Jahanabad Zila Parishad, Bihar, was shot by miscreants on the morning of 2nd May and was admitted to hospital... (read full text)

UPDATE : CPI(ML) Leader Arrested for Leading Popular Agitation for Electricity

Com. Vinay Santhalia, CPI(ML) leader from Rajdhanwar (Giridih, Jharkhand) who has been leading a popular agitation in Giridih for electricity, was arrested on 10 May on false charges filed against... (read full text)

OBITUARY : Lifelong revolutionary, peoples’ historian, life-affirming poet

(Excerpts from the tribute by Bonojit Hussain and Mayur Chetia in Scroll.in, May 20, 2015) I have no desire for heaven, Instead I go to the brewhouse, Gamblers, drunkards, prostitutes... (read full text)

Book Rivew : ‘Political From Top to Toe’

A Biography of Eleanor Marx (Liberation introduces its readers to the 2014 biography of Eleanor Marx by Rachel Holmes.) Rachel Holmes’ biography introduces us to a remarkable figure of revolutionary... (read full text)

People Without a Country

When a boat carrying scores of starving Rohingya migrants was found drifting in Thai waters on 10th May, the world suddenly woke up to the ugly reality of the democratic... (read full text)

On 3rd Cover : A Rightward Shift

A justice minister who wants to bring back hanging, an equalities minister who believes gay marriage should not be allowed, a disabilities minister who voted to deny welfare benefits to... (read full text)
