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Police Brutality on Dalits in Bhagalpur

A State level CPI (ML)-AIARLA team visited Bhagalpur on 11-12 December and enquired into the incident of a lathi-charge on Dalit protesters in which the Bihar police had brutally stripped... (read full text)

January 2017

... (read full text)

Against the Sell-out in WTO

Against the Sell-out Indian Higher Education in WTO As the Modi Government geared up to sell the future of students of India by ‘offering’ Indian Higher education in WTO up... (read full text)

Agenda 2016: Defend Democracy, Resist the Fascist Offensive

If there is one message that resonated across India all through 2015, a resonance that can only grow in the coming days as the Indian people battle their way against... (read full text)

Free the PRICOL Eight !

Fight the Double Life Imprisonment for Trade Union Activists ! Eight workers: sentenced to two lifetimes in jail – for the ‘crime’ of fighting for workers’ rights. Eight leading activists... (read full text)

Modi Government Mocks at the Constitution

(A slightly expanded and updated version of an article by Kavita Krishnan, courtesy Quartz India, November 27, 2015) Constitution Day, in parliament, should, at the very least, have been a... (read full text)

Sangh Returns to Ayodhya Agenda ?

Twenty-three years after the vandals of the Sangh Parivar had demolished the Babri Masjid in brazen defiance of India’s history of composite culture and every tenet of the rule of... (read full text)

Stoking Islamophobia

In the wake of the Paris attack by the ISIS, we are seeing the efforts of right-wing and far-right political forces worldwide to try to garner support that has hitherto... (read full text)

Death Stalks the Tea Pickers in North Bengal

Early in the morning on 14 November, Malu Paik, a 42 years old permanent worker of Dumchipara Tea Garden near Madarihat in Dooars, died. The cause of death is termed... (read full text)

A Government-Made Disaster

“The rhetoric of governance in India has nowadays become pretty elaborate and sophisticated. Every government waxes eloquent about ‘good governance’ rooted in principles of accountability, sensitivity, empowerment, administrative efficiency, disaster... (read full text)

Cold, Cruel and Criminal : Slum Demolitions in Winter

Cheen-o-arab hamaaraa, Hindostaan hamaaraa Rehne ko ghar nahin hai, saaraa jahaan hamaaraa Kholi bhi chin gayi hai, benchein bhi chin gaye hain Sadkon pe ghoomtaa hai, ab kaarvaan hamaaraa Jebeain... (read full text)

People’s Verdict 2015: The Role of the Left

Convention in Bihar The CPI(ML) Bihar State committee organized a People’s Convention in Patna on 3 December to discuss the implications of the recent Bihar election results and the role... (read full text)

Disenfranchising the Poor and Underprivileged

“If the law supposes that, the law is a ass — a idiot. the worst I wish the law is, that his eye may be opened by experience — by... (read full text)

Sanghi Thought Police Attacks Scholars in Rajasthan

You can be branded a criminal in a BJP ruled state even if you deliver a lecture defending Hinduism from what you call ‘derogatory’ misinterpretation by Western scholars! If you’re... (read full text)

Lal Salaam Comrade Vidrohi!

Vidrohi died as he had lived – surrounded by students out on a protest march. He came to Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi as a student – but was thrown... (read full text)

Benedict Anderson

Benedict Anderson Benedict Anderson (1936–2015) was the Aaron L. Binenkorb Professor Emeritus of International Studies, Government and Asian Studies at Cornell University, New York. He passed away in Indonesia on... (read full text)

Bihar Verdict : Roaring Rebuff Against an Autocratic Communal BJP

After sundry exit polls and post-poll surveys did their rounds, we finally know what Bihar has spoken. The Bihar verdict has left the loud and foul mouths of the ruling... (read full text)

Of ‘Anti-national’ Muslim Kings And Their ‘Nationalist’ Abusers

Tipu Sultan, the 18th century ruler of Mysore, is the latest historical figure in the line of fire of right wing groups. We are already one down, with Mughal emperor... (read full text)
